Reckless Driving Lawyer in Hanover, VA
Central Virginia Traffic Law Specialist
Hanover VA
Speed Trap on I-295 in Hanover, VA
Hanover VA Courthouse
Hanover Virginia Courthouse
For several years, the Hanover Sheriff Department has been known for their speeding enforcement along the one mile stretch of 295 that lies within Hanover city limits. Hanover has been cited in many news articles as a result of their infamous speed trap. Over the past few years, I have dedicated a large portion of my practice to defending those who have fell victim to the mass ticketing.
Since 2012, we have represented over hundreds of clients in Hanover Traffic Court for speeding and reckless driving tickets. Throughout the hundreds of clients we have represented in Hanover, I have never had anyone convicted of reckless driving who was ticketed under 90 mph with a good driving record. As such, I have been able to prevent people from facing the serious consequences of a reckless driving conviction on their record.
Reckless Driving Convictions
Don’t prepay your ticket!
If you prepay your ticket, you are pleading guilty to whatever you are charged with whether it is speeding or reckless driving. If you plead guilty to reckless driving, you will have a class 1 misdemeanor on your criminal record.
Class 1 Misdemeanors:
A class 1 misdemeanor is a criminal charge classification which stays on your criminal record for life if you are convicted. These convictions have been known to:
Affect job prospects.
Threaten Security Clearance status
Have immigration consequences
Additionally, reckless driving (and sometimes speeding) ticket convictions can:
Add points to your driving record
Potentially revoke your driving privilege (in some states)
Increase insurance premiums
Loss of CDL
Read More About Reckless Driving
What to Expect From My Representation
Getting your reckless driving ticket reduced.
Typically if you are ticketed going under 90 mph, there is a very good chance that I can get your charge reduced out of reckless driving. The main factor in most cases is the driving record. Judges usually only look at the last 5 years of your driving record.
In the majority of my cases, I can get reckless driving tickets amended to an infraction such as a speeding ticket or a lesser charge such as “improper driving.” If a charge is reduced to an infraction, it gets rid of the “reckless” aspect as well as the misdemeanor. Additionally, it reduces the amount of points that will show up on your driving record in most cases.
Speeding tickets:
I have been very successful at getting my clients' speeding tickets reduced to a non-moving violation such as “defective equipment” which carries no points. Most out of state drivers will not have a defective equipment charge appear on their driving record. Defective equipment is the equivalent to a broken tail light.
Fines and Court Costs
Reckless Driving
Technically, the fine for reckless driving can range anywhere from $0 to $2500. However, a fine that high is extremely rare. The highest a judge will go is usually around $1000 and even that is rare. A fine that high is given in the event of a speed exceeding 100 mph.
The typical fine the judge will assess on the day of court is around the $100 to $300 range. This fine is always coupled with court costs of $61-$96. Judges adjust the fine according to the facts of the case such as speed.
Speeding Tickets
The fine for speeding tickets are often in the $50 to $150 range. This is also coupled with the above mentioned court costs.
Hiring an Attorney
If you received a Reckless Driving or Speeding Ticket in Hanover, Virginia, it is crucial to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible about your case. When choosing an attorney, be sure to hire someone who is familiar with the court you are summoned to. An ideal attorney must also be familiar and experienced with reckless driving charges.
by Daniel Leavitt, Attorney at Law